Items where Author is "Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih"

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Number of items: 40.


Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih and Oktha Ika Rahmawati, Oktha (2020) R.A.F.T (ROLE, AUDIENCE, FORMAT, AND TOPIC) AS WRITING STRATEGY TO TEACH WRITING FORMAL LETTERS (APPLICATION LETTER). The 6th LLTC Proceeding. pp. 126-135. ISSN 2775-8311

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih and Refi Ranto Rozak, Refi Ranto Correlation Between Conscientiousness, Sentence Structure Mastery, And Reading Ability (A Correlational Study At The Eleventh Grade Students Of Sman 1 Dander In The Academic Year 2016/2017). Jurnal PROSPECTS.

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih The Implementation of Co-Op Co-Op Method in Teaching Reading Skill. Jurnal Prospects.

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih Implementing English is a Teacher Here (ETH) Strategy to Enhance Speaking Skill for the Early Semester Students of English Department. Proceeding The 63th TEFLIN International Conference.


Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih and Chyntia Heru Woro Prastiwi, Chyntia Heru and Sholehuddin, Muhammad (2020) Cek Turnitin Buku Fun English Puzzle for Accounting. QAHAR PUBLISHER, Semarang.


Tika Zahrotin, Tika and Puput Suriyah, Puput and Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih Analisis Kesalahan Berdasarkan Teori Newman pada Materi Peluang di Mts Muhammadiyah 6 Ngrandu. IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. (Unpublished)

Nisa Aulia, Zahrotun and Refi Ranto Rozak, Refi Ranto and Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih An Analysis of Figurative Language in Hotel Books’ Spoken Word Poetry. IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. (Unpublished)

Indah Ayu Dayanti, Indah and Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih and Chyntia Heru Woro Prastiwi, Chyntia Heru An Analysis of Students’ Motivation to Learn English at Fourth Grade of Min 1 Kepatihan Bojonegoro in Academic Year 2022/2023. IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. (Unpublished)

Muhamad Ibrohim, Ibrohim and Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih and Chyntia Heru Woro Prastiwi, Chyntia Heru An Analysis of The Extrovert-Introvert Personality and Speech Performance of the Second Semester English Department Students at IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro in Academic Year 2023/2024. IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. (Unpublished)

Ichsanudin Nurhakim, Ichsanudin and Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih and Chyntia Heru Woro Prastiwi, Chyntia Heru Analysis of The Figurative Language of Songs in The Album “The Peace And The Panic” by Neck Deep. IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. (Unpublished)

Fadhilatul Husna, Maulida and Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih and Chyntia Heru Woro Prastiwi, Chyntia Heru An Analysis of The Students’ Anxiety in English Speech of The Second Semester Students of The English Department at IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. (Unpublished)

Aprilina, Anggi Eka and Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih and Puput Suriyah, Puput Analyzing the Generic Structure of Recount Text Written by The Tenth Graders. IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. (Unpublished)

Rohmatun, Luthfir and Cahyo Hasanudin, Cahyo and Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih Bentuk Reduplikasi pada Novel Rasa karya Tere Liye. IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. (Unpublished)

Ifanda Asmara Danta, Ifanda and Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih and Chyntia Heru Woro Prastiwi, Chyntia Heru A Comparative Analysis on English-Indonesian Translation Technique in The Main Character of “Inside Out” Movie Year 2023/2024. IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. (Unpublished)

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih and Refi Ranto Rozak, Refi Ranto Correlation Between Conscientiousness, Sentence Structure Mastery, And Reading Ability (A Correlational Study At The Eleventh Grade Students Of Sman 1 Dander In The Academic Year 2016/2017). -. (Unpublished)

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih and Refi Ranto Rozak, Refi Ranto Correlation Between Conscientiousness, Sentence Structure Mastery, And Reading Ability (A Correlational Study At The Eleventh Grade Students Of Sman 1 Dander In The Academic Year 2016/2017). -. (Unpublished)

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih Correlational Study Between Interesting Topic Of Reading Text And Students’ Ability In Reading Comprehension. -. (Unpublished)

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih Correlational Study Between Interesting Topic Of Reading Text And Students’ Ability In Reading Comprehension. -. (Unpublished)

Jovanny Cynthia Laverda, Jovanny and Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih and Puput Suriyah, Puput The Effectiveness of Animated Video in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text of the Seventh Grade Students at SMPN 2 Bojonegoro (An Experimental Research at the Seventh-Grade Students of SMPN 2 Bojonegoro in Academic Year 2021/2022). IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. (Unpublished)

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih Energizing Foreign Language Learner In English Reading Class Through The Use Of Word Webs Technique. -. (Unpublished)

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih Energizing Foreign Language Learner In English Reading Class Through The Use Of Word Webs Technique. -. (Unpublished)

Salsabila, Dhiana Shilvina and Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih English Students’ Perception on the Use of Whatsapp Group in Speaking Class. IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. (Unpublished)

Diah Ayu Safitri, Diah and Chyntia Heru Woro Prastiwi, Chyntia Heru and Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih Error Analysis on Simple Present Tense in Writing Descriptive Text of The Eight Grade Students of SMPN Satu Atap Turi Tambakrejo Bojonegoro in The Academic Year 2022/2023. IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. (Unpublished)

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih and Chyntia Heru Woro Prastiwi, Chyntia Heru Evaluation of Lms Moodle Use in English Literature Classes. IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. (Unpublished)

Rika Pristian F. A., RP and Jazilatul Kholidah, Neneng Rika and Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih Hasil cek plagiasi " Implementasi Metode Pembelajaran Discovery Learning berbantu Moodle pada Matakuliah Ekonomi Regional". Fakutlas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Dharmas Indonesia.

Rika Pristian F. A., RP and Jazilatul Kholidah, Neneng Rika and Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih IMPLEMENTASI METODE PEMBELAJARAN DISCOVERY LEARNING BERBANTU MOODLE PADA MATAKULIAH EKONOMI REGIONAL. IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. (Unpublished)

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih The Implementation of Co-Op Co-Op Method in Teaching Reading Skill. -. (Unpublished)

Khoirun Azizah, Khoirun and Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih and Chyntia Heru Woro Prastiwi, Chyntia Heru The Implementation of English Contests to Optimize Speaking Skills at The Eight Students of SMP Kartayuda Kedungtuban in The Academic Year 2022/2023. IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. (Unpublished)

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih Implementing English is a Teacher Here (ETH) Strategy to Enhance Speaking Skill for the Early Semester Students of English Department. -. (Unpublished)

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih Implementing English is a Teacher Here (ETH) Strategy to Enhance Speaking Skill for the Early Semester Students of English Department. -. (Unpublished)

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih Peningkatan Penguasaan Vocabulary Bahasa Inggris (Vocabulary) melalui Metode Pembelajaran Take and Give. IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. (Unpublished)

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih Promoting Students’ Speaking Skill Through Three Step Interview Technique at Non English Department Students of IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. -. (Unpublished)

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih Promoting Students’ Speaking Skill Through Three Step Interview Technique at Non English Department Students of IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. -. (Unpublished)

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih and Oktha Ika Rahmawati, Oktha R.A.F.T (Role, Audience, Format, And Topic) As Writing Strategy To Teach Writing Formal Letters (Application Letter). -. (Unpublished)

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih R.A.F.T (Role, Audience, Format, And Topic) As Writing Strategy To Teach Writing Formal Letters (Application Letter). -. (Unpublished)

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih Teaching Speaking Through Paper Puppet Show to Enhance Students’ Speaking Competence in Story Telling. IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. (Unpublished)

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih cover dan doc Correlation Between Conscientiousness, Sentence Structure Mastery, And Reading Ability (A Correlational Study At The Eleventh Grade Students Of Sman 1 Dander In The Academic Year 2016/2017). -. (Unpublished)

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih cover doc prosiding Implementing English is a Teacher Here (ETH) Strategy to Enhance Speaking Skill for the Early Semester Students of English Department. -. (Unpublished)

Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, Meiga Ratih cover jurnal The Implementation of Co-Op Co-Op Method in Teaching Reading Skill. -. (Unpublished)

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