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Hidayati, Nur Alfin and Shofwani, Siti Aniqoh (2019) Peer Review Pemertahanan Identitas Karakter Budaya Masyarakat Samin di Desa Margomulyo Bojonegoro. Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia UMK Kudus, UMK Kudus.
Hidayati, Nur Alfin and Shofwani, Siti Aniqoh (2019) Pemertahanan Identitas Karakter Budaya Masyarakat Samin di Desa Margomulyo Bojonegoro (Turnitin). KREDO Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Satra, 3 (1). pp. 56-61. ISSN (Printed) ISSN 2598-3202 (Online) ISSN 2599-316X
Widianto, Eko and Hariyadi, Ahmad and Misidawati, Dwi Novaria and Shofwani, Siti Aniqoh and Nastiti, Ana Putri (2019) Marketing Strategy for Indonesian for Speakers of Other Language Unit (Unit BIPA): A Case Study in Unit BIPA Universitas Muria Kudus. In: ICONETCT 2019.
Widianto, Eko and Hariyadi, Ahmad and Misidawati, Dwi Novaria and Shofwani, Siti Aniqoh and Nastiti, Ana Putri (2019) Peer Review, Marketing Strategy for Indonesian for Speakers of Other Language Unit (Unit BIPA): A Case Study in Unit BIPA Universitas Muria Kudus. EAI, https://eudl.eu/pdf/10.4108/eai.20-8-2019.2288203.